What’s the difference between cold-pressed and centrifugal juicing?

Cold press juicing is a unique process that does not grind or macerate fruits and veggies. We use a hydraulic press that removes heat and avoids oxidation, maintaining essential vitamins, nutrients and enzymes. As a result, you get a premium nutrient-dense juice with a crisp, clean flavor that will help you achieve optimum brain and body function. Whereas with centrifugal juicing, your produce is chopped up and tossed into a fast spinning strainer, using heat and oxidation to extract the juice with centrifugal force. While there is still benefit to centrifugal juicing –your juice breaks down faster and begins to slowly lose its natural nutrients.


Why should cold pressed juicing become your main squeeze?

With cold pressed juicing, you get maximum nutrients due to the minimal heat that is applied in the extraction process retaining valuable enzymes and vitamins. Drinking raw juice flushes the system of waste, and by detoxifying the body, juicing can play a positive role in your overall health. Once the highly concentrated nutrients and vitamins enter our bloodstream, they’re assimilated quickly –which in turn, keeps us healthy. Plus, juicing is a convenient way to ensure you reach your USDA recommended fruit and veggie daily intake.


What’s all the buzz of enzymes and why are they so important?

Enzymes are a specialized class of proteins and virtually responsible for all chemical reactions that take place in our body such as our digestive system, bloodstream, pancreas, kidneys and liver. They’re even responsible for physiological chemical reactions –consider your ability to feel, think and breathe. Although, we do have naturally occurring enzymes, there is scientific proof that you slowly diminish natural enzymes as you age. Couple that with a less than ideal diet, lifestyle and environmental pollution –all these factors contribute to us diminishing our ability to live a long and healthy life. So, what can you do to increase your enzymes and aid in your digestion? Simply, consume more raw vegetables and fruits. Foods such as ginger, apple cider vinegar, kale and spinach will help stimulate digestion.


Is your juice raw or pasteurized?

Yes, our juice is 100% raw and real. It has never been heated, pasteurized or high pressure processed (HPP). Our juice is made using a cold pressed juicer that is then transferred to a bottle. Without pasteurization or HPP, we ask that you consume our juice within 72 hours for optimal freshness. And just like all naturally raw food, freshness only lasts for so long which is which is why we make our juice fresh daily with love.


Where do you produce your juice?

We make it fresh everyday in our 1389 Huffman Drive retail store. Come say hi and see how it works!