How to cleanse
Congrats on committing to a cleanse program with Pure & Pressed Juice Company!
This is the first step to a healthier you.

Whether you are doing to a 1, 2, 3 or even longer (5, 10 or 21-day) cleanse program, you will want to mentally and physically prepare. While cleansing is a great way to break back into healthy eating habits, it is important to remember that most people experience some sort of detox reaction during a cleanse. The tips below are designed to help make the transition easier on your mind and body. Please keep in mind to always listen to your body and stay hydrated. You know your body best and it’s important to honor your needs. We hope you enjoy your cleanse experience and feel refreshed thereafter.
Pre-Cleanse Prep (3-5 Days Before)
- Identify what success looks like to you. It is important that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based (SMART). This goal will be a good reminder of why you’re cleansing but also hold you accountable.
- Clean out your fridge and pantry. Remove unhealthy, processed meals and junk food out of your home to help fight temptation. Hit up your local farmers market or grocery store and stock up on raw fruits and vegetables.
- Reduce your caffeine, soda, alcohol and sugar intake. For best cleansing results, we want to bring your body into a more alkaline state.
- Reduce your portion sizes so that you are only eating enough to satisfy hunger.
- Incorporate regular, non-strenuous exercise into your daily routine.
- Drink MORE water – this is key to flushing out toxins. Clear urine = hydrated!
- Clock in quality sleep. Your body will be in overdrive adjusting to your juice cleanse and recovery is important.
- Listen to your body.
During Your Cleanse
- Stay on schedule –Drink the juices in the order designed below. You will receive 6 juices per day. For some people, this may seem like a lot. However, if you space out your juices over 12 hours, you will feel satisfied. The key is to drink your first juice within 2 hours of waking up and drink your last juice 2 hours before you go to sleep. Even if you “feel good” in the moment, do not skip a juice. This could leave you feeling hungry later and may result in a blood sugar crash. We recommend drinking your juice in the order it is designed.
- Lemon Water – Served hot or cold, drink lemon first thing in the morning. It will help keep you hydrated, replenish lost nutrients in the body and can help prevent constipation.
- Break a Sweat – Sweating is the most efficient way to eliminate toxins. Try a high cardio activity for at least 30-45 minutes each day. Workouts to consider are a brisk walk, cycling, hot yoga and running.
- Understand if you’re hungry vs. just missing the sensation of chewing.
- If the answer is the latter, grab a piece of gum and power through it. You can do it!
- If the answer is no and you’re feeling crampy and truly are hungry. Honor your body with a wholesome, unprocessed snack then jump right back into your cleanse. Simple foods to consider are bone broth, steamed or baked green vegetables, handful of nuts, avocado, a green salad or a piece of fruit.
After your Cleanse
Take a moment and celebrate your accomplishment. Review and reflect on your cleanse SMART goals. Document how you feel immediately after cleansing, what you learned, what you would like to consider incorporating into your daily rhythm moving forward and how you will lean back into solid foods.
Transition to solid foods
As you integrate solid foods back into your diet, be mindful that your digestive system was at rest. The first 2 to 3 days post cleanse, it is important that you consume lots of fresh fruits and vegetables (80% of your diet). Avoid meat, alcohol, processed or fried foods. Substituting a meal with your favorite smoothie or light vegetable soup can aid in this process too.
Continue drinking lots of water to naturally flush toxins and unwanted waste from your body.
Listen to your body
This is a great opportunity to identify potential food sensitivities or allergens with a food elimination diet.